New song in 22 TET Porcupine [7] 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 tuning. Music, voice: Michael W. Dean Voice: Phil Wormuth VST synths used: Microtonal Poly Worms Microtonal Drum & 808 (not released yet) Addictive Drums Words: Fruit carts? Do we have any fruit carts? Well, there was a fruit cart. How did…
Search Results for: microtonal song
“Disco Demolition Man and Pigeon 911” – microtonal BipTunia song
Microtonal / xenharmonic. 6EDphi, 12 EDphi. Music: Michael W. Dean Words Phil Wormuth and Michael W. Dean. This is the final mix and master. LYRICS: (There are no other ways. And we are out of phase.) You’re a public school teacher. Yeah, right. So, you know that teachers have to earn money in the summer,…
“Bonzo & the Berklee Dropouts” (new BipTunia song. Semi-microtonal)
Bluezy rocky jazzy rock. Or something. New piece. Will probably have Phil poet-ing over it later. Song isn’t microtonal, but guitar solo is in parts. I got pretty free with the whammy bar. All instruments; Michael W. Dean
Prelude for The Ill-Tempered Clavier – microtonal BipTunia song (05 TET, 08 TET, 12EDO, SD2 10-05)
Xenharmonic Trip-Hop. New piece. Will probably have Phil poet-ing over it later.
“The Last Shaman” (Xenharmonic / microtonal music, 22TET + 12edo) – song by BipTunia
Made using these synths; Ivor, Ivor2, XenFont2, Xen-FMTS 2, GothThang, and some 808 + rock drum kit drum synths. This is fine cut 2. Music: Michael W. Dean Words and voice: Phil Wormuth Check out our other xenharmonic / microtonal songs, HERE. If you want some BipTunia stickers, email us here, send us your address,…
“Microtonal Constrained Language” – BipTunia song in micro-tonal scales
Some microtonal, as well as xenharmonic, music. Made using Ivor2 synth, using 08 TET and 13TET. This is fine cut 3, EQed in Ozone, mastered in LANDR. Check out our other xenharmonic / microtonal songs, HERE. If you want some BipTunia stickers, email us here, send us your address, and say how many you want…
Document with description of all tuning files in our microtonal VSTs
The Word .docx file can be downloaded here. I compiled these from a few websites I can’t find now, it may be gone. Tunings and scales what they are Some of these tunings are common. Some are rare but there is mention online, sometimes with the descriptions here, sometimes without. Some are so rare that…
FLAC LOSSLESS 24-bit torrent of “Songs from the Reflection Nebula” – Albums 95 and 96 from BipTunia.
—= –>GET TORRENT MAGNET LINK HERE<– BipTunia album FLACs are each one continuous file to preserve the flow of the carefully crafted sequencing and cross-fading that make each BipTunia album work as a piece. They are created to be listened to in one sitting, but of course, you can listen however you like. This torrent…
“Songs from the Reflection Nebula” – Albums 95 and 96 from BipTunia. LISTEN FREE
Songs from the Reflection Nebula by BipTunia Run Time: 106 Minutes Street Date: November 5, 2024. Listen / buy on BandCamp Listen on Spotify FLAC lossless torrent TRACK LIST: 1. Photographing the Dust on the Fabric of the Universe 2. Increasing Local Hole Voids in the Otherwise Isotropic 3. Little Sombrero Galaxy Theme Song 4….
ALL 611 BipTunia song titles as of May 22, 2024 (Up through album 90)
(^ My recent astro photo of those Eyes nebulea called NGC6914 in Cygnus) You can listen to a 24/7 random stream of all these songs, here. HERE ARE ALL 611 BipTunia song titles as of May 22, 2024 (Up through album 90): 10 TET Ancient Greek Arps for Hey Zeus 11 ED3 Jump for Jumping…