I will write more on this in a while, but wanted to let people know, because he had fans among my friends…from the time in 2012 when he visited DJ and I, and Neema Vedadi and I interviewed him on the Freedom Feens. (Listen here.)
Jack Dean was born in 1921. Lived in the Great Depression. Grew up on a farm. Loved life. Died 2 weeks short of turning 98 years old. Died 1 week after his brother died, the last remaining relative he had from his generation.
Jack still had his wits, was in no pain, went calmly, and had a good visit with my brother a few hours before.
He hated people who were liars, socialists, and those with stinky feet. I submit this in jest, but with utmost respect. We all will hit that brick wall in the end. I lost my dad when I was 15 and it crushed me. I wish you the best in your consolation. You’re a good dude and we appreciate you for what you’ve done to help us all out. You’ve been the hub for creating connections which can’t be untied and we thank you for that.
Thanks man.
Words are never suffice or accurate under a time like this, but please allow me to say the following.
I’m very happy that your father was able to live a good life to an old age. I am happy for you and the rest of the family that was able to spend time with him. It is good to know that he had his wits about him, was in no, pain, and did pass calmly.
I really enjoyed the interview of him on your show. It is one of my favorites. It was so interesting to just listen to him, his thoughts, his experiences. He had seen so much more of life then most of us ever will.
I have no words other than, I’m sorry. 😥