Run Time: 64 minutes
Release Date: Aug 3, 2019 (2 weeks after last album.)
Download the lyrics and liner notes PDF.
There are no fully microtonal songs on this album. But the song ” Voiceover About Voiceover” has some 10 edo synth for the first 47 seconds, and for the last 30 seconds.
–Michael W. Dean: Music, words, some voice.
–Phil Wormuth: Most voice, words.
Guest vocals:
–BipTunia Specialist Voice Talent Kip Cameron on “Voiceover About Voiceover.”
–DJ Dean in “But You Don’t Look Sick.
–Bob the cat squeaks in concern after DJ speaks in “But You Don’t Look Sick.”
Torrent of FLAC lossless file of album
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Torrent Mirror 2 (LegitTorrents)
ALBUM ART (click for large):
Download the album as one file HERE.