This album is available as a lossless FLAC torrent, also has all the individual songs as MP3s.
Also includes lyrics and artwork.
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Released: February 28, 2019.
RUN TIME: 61 minutes.
Download album as one file HERE. (220k MP3. sounds very good.)
Get a T-shirt of the album art.
FUN FACT: this album was written, recorded, mixed and released in the 9 days after the last album’s release date.
- Ode to a Grecian Coffee
- If Schroeder on Peanuts Grew Up, Went to College in the 80s, and Fell in with the Wrong Crowd
- Beautiful Justify Brick Gridlock
- Art is How You Live Forever
- Avant Rock
- Starfish Prime vs. Wyoming Wind
- I Am Poem
- 20,000 Days Alive
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