^ (shown here with pen for size)
Download letter-size image to print and hang.
PDF File: BipTunia_pasteable-2_Up
Word doc (in case you want to edit it in any way): BipTunia_pasteable-2_Up
Can be pasted up with wheat paste (mixing flour and water, and use a clean house painting brush. More info here.) But don’t ever do that on public or private property, only streets you own. Of course!
Can also use sticker paper, like un-scored label paper, or use big label templates and make the stickers fit.
Stickers stick best on a clean surface, so I bring a rag or paper towel to give it a quick clean. They stick better if after sticking you push them down with your hand or a some hard object.
They stick better on a room temp surface than a cold surface.
Thank you for your sticker service!
You can also color in the eyes with a highlighter and highlight the text if you want: