BipTunia‘s 5th album,
Last Chopper Outta My Brain
“A musical helicopter bringing dark hilarious upbeat beauty & liberty to an island of statism.”
—The New England Journal of Music Most People Aren’t Smart Enough to Love
Get the lyrics here.
84 minutes. Released May 18, 2018
- Stranger Days
- His Luck Turned to Dirt
- I’m Done Living in the Past
- Crucifixion Street (Cash Newmann Remix)
- Too Many Notes for the Royal Ear
- So Underground We Couldn’t Find It
- Subterranean SubmitHub Blues
- The Last Shaman
- Wet Revolution on the Radio
- Disorderly
- Last Chopper Outta My Brain
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Phil Wormuth: words and voice
Michael W. Dean: music, words and voice
additional voices:
Chandler St. Pierre: half the words and voice on Wet Revolution on the Radio
Kip Cameron: “In a world…” voice on Disorderly