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DOWNLOAD FreakBone 9000 beta VST2 HERE (2.5 meg zip)
FreakBone 9000 is a crazy sounding, circuit bent, microtonal analog-style synth, VST2 synth based on Microtone 5000. But on FreakBone 9000, moving the Mod Wheel on your controller activates the oddness. Demo MP3 link of FreakBone 9000 above. More examples on the 3 songs with “FreakBone” in the name on the BipTunia album also called FreakBone 9000.
(It has a different VST ID, so won’t interfere with any projects you’ve made with Microtone 5000.)
It has 32 presets and 5374 microtonal tunings. Any tuning with work with any preset or you can make your own presets with any of the tunings.
This synth is very similar to Microtone 5000, except the Mod wheel works, is set to wrong extremely far out (yet harmless) values, and it makes the mod wheel do different freaky things.
HOW TO USE FreakBone 9000
This is the VST without the tuning files, so if you have Microtone 5000, unzip and put in the same folder, as FreakBone 9000 needs to share the microtonal tuning files from that VST (folder is named TuningFiles):
If you don’t have Microtone 5000, get it here. (FreakBone 9000 will work with the tuning files for either the VST2 or VST3, either version of each, of Microtone 5000. It’s all the same tuning files. Will also work with the tuning files (same files) in Simple Microtonal Sampler, either VST2 or VST3 of that will be fine, too.)
Don’t wiggle the mod wheel as you would with other VSTs, so much as gently move it to different positions, or even just leave it where it sounds good. Will sound all kinds of crazy. Try moving it just a little ways away from off. Then a bit more. Then all the way. Sometimes the best sound is in the middle somewhere or near the start, sometimes full throttle.
There will not be a VST3 of this one.
It changes whatever the
LFO Assign
drop-down picker in the lower left is set to. (If you use the OFF setting on that picker, it does nothing.)
And those sliders to the left of that drop-down affect it.
Usually the VF Rate slider (far bottom left) has to be somewhere in the middle for the most extreme effect.
That’s normally the kind of thing that a Mod Wheel would change, but my VF Rate slider can go to -20v (virtual), on most synths it wouldn’t. Would probably go to zero or maybe -1.
That’s our cat Beast. He’s a little freak bone.
–Michael W. Dean, BipTunia (music), and BipTunia Synths.
May 1, 2023
Through all of it as chimes:
- zesster_c (Harmonic six-star, group C on Eb, from Fokker
Then these five, about a minute each over that with different sounds and slowly moving the mod wheel:
- kurzweil_arab (Kurzweil Emperical Arabic)
- lambdoma _prim (Prime Lambdoma)
- mohajira-to-slendro (From Mohajira to Aeolian and Slendros)
- ptolemy_diat5 (Sterea lyra, Dorian, comb. of 2 Tonic Diatonic 4chords, also Archytas’ diatonic 7)
- rast pentachord 5-limit (Rast pentachord 600:675:744:800:900)
peak ui, not even kidding, looks like something youd use to communicate with god
Hey. It saddens me that you say I should “tell two friends” or whatever. Wtf do I get those?
Anyway, cheers. I made, what is technically a synth (towards the sort of natural organ sounds) from a snare drum sample earlier in like 5 minutes of doing things I have no idea about, that was kinda cool. Maybe you have two friends you can tell about that? Maybe I’ll upgrade my synth with a better snare sample.
Anyway, cheers, dig it, along with your policies, and such. The license was funny.
I don’t mean to spam, but the best I can do is offer you some really obscure satire that you may or may not appreciate. https://growdiaries.com/diaries/110944-grow-journal-by-sir-iso/week/590962
I hope you appreciate that. And I have a few short videos (other than the longer more evidently blatant manifestation of that in actual reality) as primers for those who are potentially still zombiedronerobosheepclownclones (a blanket term I use for hypnotized delusional misled institutionalists). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=amho_C7346c
Anyway, if you don’t like that stuff or consider it garbage or whatever, just delete this crap.
Cheers, have a nice day.