BipTunia album FLACs are each one continuous file to preserve the flow of the carefully crafted sequencing and cross-fading that make each BipTunia album work as a piece. They are created to be listened to in one sitting, but of course, you can listen however you like.
This torrent also has a folder with all the individual sections as MP3s.
Also includes lyrics, artwork, and torrents of all previous BipTunia albums in lossless FLAC.
If you need a torrent program, we use and recommend qBittorrent.
RUN TIME: 106 minutes
RELEASE DATE: Sept 2, 2022
- Simple Little 20-TET Ditty
- Get Your Photons Off My Property
- It’s Not Blues But It Might Be in Andromeda
- Astrid’s Lament
- We Took a Wrong Turn at Messier 110
- Simple Little 20-TET on the Wing
This album is microtonal / xenharmonic, is all 10-TET and 20-TET
All instruments, songs, and production: Michael W. Dean
Buy or listen free on BandCamp
Album cover photo of the Andromeda Galaxy by Michael W. Dean (BipTunia). Tech specs:
Total integration (combined exposure) 4 hours, 12 minutes. 252 Lights (separate exposures). 60 second exp each at 800 ISO. 29 Darks. 29 Flats. 30 Dark Flats. Bortle 3 (backyard Oregon farm.) Processed in PixInsight and Photoshop. Image cropped.
RedCat on Sky-Watcher EQ6-R Pro with Zwo mini guide cam and scope via PhD2. Cam: stock DSLR…Canon 90D. Polar align via SharpCap.
Info on Andromeda Galaxy:
“Also known as Messier 31 or M31. It’s a barred spiral galaxy with diameter of about 152,000 light-years. It is about 2.5 million light-years from Earth and the nearest large galaxy to our home, the Milky Way Galaxy.”
The album title is somewhat of an homage to the GD album, Blues For Allah. But it’s also me saying that Andromeda is more real to me than God is to me. Because I can take a picture of Andromeda. There may or may not be a god, but “pix or it didn’t happen.”
Get pastable BipTunia street art, PDF download
Includes lossless FLAC, all songs as MP3, cover art, and torrent files for all BipTunia albums.
Q. What kind of music is it?
A. It will appeal to fans of Gary Numan, Brian Eno, Pink Floyd, Tangerine Dream, David Bowie, Fugazi, Captain Beefheart, The Doors, Depeche Mode, Jim Carroll, Frank Zappa, Sonic Youth, Rachmaninoff, Robert Fripp, Blondie, The Residents, Kraftwerk, Terry Riley, The Last Poets, Ministry, Velvet Acid Christ, Butthole Surfers, Giorgio Moroder, Front Line Assembly, Led Zeppelin, Suicide, Marilyn Manson, Helios Creed, Chrome, Dead Kennedys, Devo, Proof of Utah, Blue Öyster Cult, Yes, Genesis, Front 242, Big Black, Aphex Twin, The Kinks, ELP, Syd Barrett, and Nine Inch Nails.
Q. No, really, what STYLE of music is it?
A. Hard to say, and doesn’t “fit in a box.” It’s often many styles on an album, and sometimes different styles in the same song. And some styles there isn’t a name for, styles I invented.
If you have to put a title on it, it can include different flavors of electronic music, including; Darkwave, Synthwave, Industrial, Synth Punk, Downtempo, Trip-Hop, Minimalism, Experimental Electronic, Minimal / Deep Tech. None of that even fits a lot of BipTunia’s music. I call BipTunia “NOTA electronic music.”