By BipTunia. Style: electronic something or other. Music: Michael W. Dean. Words: Phil Wormuth. Photo above is Phil’s recording studio. If you want some BipTunia stickers, email us here, send us your address, and say how many you want and where you’ll hand ’em out. WORDS: The Last Shaman Dried moss from the crotch of…
Month: April 2018
“Wet Revolution on the Radio” – new BipTunia song
This song is some solid poetic Minimalism with Michael W. Dean on music. Phil Wormuth on words and speaking. + Guest Chandler St. Pierre on words and speaking. It’s from the upcoming BipTunia album, Cut Ups and Arps: The Road to Freedom. And this song contains a lot of cut-ups, and a lot of arps!…
“Stranger Days” – new BipTunia song
I haven’t played any music since the last record came out. I’ve been busy updating my $30 Music School book. (get it here.) I’ve been doing that full time, and been anxious to get back to making music instead of writing about music. Phil’s busy this week doing some re-certification thing for work, so I…
new book out with a bunch of mentions of BipTunia
Get it here on Amazon: $30 Music School: Only 5 dollars. 2nd Edition, 2018. Cheaper than a drink in a bar.
Crucifixion Street (For Jamestown, NY)
LISTEN: Download HERE. All music: Michael W. Dean Lyrics: Phil Wormuth, Michael W. Dean Recorded at Intergalactic Prairie Studio, 2018. Lyrics: Crucifixion Street Dynamite sale, 10 cents a stick! Too many Molotov Cocktails can make you sick Dark days, dead friends – memories condemned Roaming bands of madmen Drunken skeletons selling souvenirs Dancing demons in…
ON NOT GETTING HACKED. (wrote this after a friend got hacked for 83 Bitcoin)
I wrote this after a friend got hacked for 83 Bitcoin (nearly a million dollars at the going rate today. Probably more when you read this.) Good info even if you don’t hold and hodl crypto. . Most hacks aren’t people coming in your computer’s back doors. Most hacks are bozos pretending to be you…